• Downtown Vancouver #112 1055 West Georgia, Vancouver, BC V6E 3P1
    PO BOX 11008 STN Royal Center
  • (604) 428-8313 Call us today to setup an appointment.
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COVID-19 Testing

Home » Services » COVID-19 Testing

We Provide COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic patients such as for travel or work purposes. To book and appointment please either book online through our booking system or call our clinic at 604-428-8313


COVID-19 NAAT/PCR Test + Certificate from our doctor: $225 + GST (5%) – Extra fees apply for same day processing. Please see below.

Timing for COVID-19 NAAT/PCR Test:

Samples are collected Monday to Friday 10am to 4:30pm and Saturdays 10am to 3:30pm

Usually, the result will be available before the end of next day

Procedure for the tests and obtaining the results:

COVID-19 NAAT/PCR Test: Nasopharyngeal or Nasal swab is collected by our expert doctors and the sample will be sent to Lifelabs. When the result is ready, it will be sent to you along with the doctor certificate, electronically. You are also welcome to come back to the clinic and get a hard copy of your certificate and test result.